We love to pass on good news from our community. Indian River State College ( IRSC) was named as a top ten finalist for the prestigious Aspen Prize for community college excellence, the nation's respected recognition of high achievement and performance in state and community colleges.
IRSC was selected from a pool of more than 1,000 colleges nationwide, marking the second time the Treasure Coast college has received this honor.
"Indian River State College's efforts to get and keep students on clear program pathways aligned with labor market needs serves as a model for community colleges across the country, " said Joshua Wyner, Executive Director of the Aspen Institute's College Excellence Program in Washington, D.C.
The program assesses achievements in student learning, certificate and degree completion, employment and earnings of graduates, and access and success for minority and low-income students.
Congratulations IRSC for a job well done!
Some other positive stats for IRSC:
** The largest graduating class in IRSC's 56 year history was 3,719 graduates and it was this last year 2015/16.
** 94.1% of IRSC graduates find employment or continue their education.
** Affordability & Access, 3rd Most Affordable College in U.S.
** There has been a 22% increase over last year and record class sizes every year.
** 36 % of students receive Pell Grants they don't have to pay back.
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