We all enjoy being informed and capturing more knowledge.
Here are a few fun facts; and yes, some do pertain to AUTO INSURANCE. :)
Fact # 1: No-fault insurance coverage on your vehicle means that your insurance company pays for your damages regardless of who’s at fault.
Fact # 2: A 150-ton blue whale can exert 120 kilonewtons of power-roughly double the thrust of an F-15 fighter jet. The force comes from massive tail muscles. This whale is considered one of the most powerful things per Popular Mechanics.
Fact # 3: The government has nothing to do with your car insurance rate. Where you live, your credit score, marital status and your driving record is what actually affects your premium.
Fact # 4: From Men’s Fitness, getting up and walking for at least two minutes every hour can lower risk of early death by 33% according to a Univ. of Utah School of Medicine study.
Fact # 5: Male drivers under 25 years old can potentially pay more for car insurance than female drivers. However, across the board, teenagers and mature adults pay more for auto insurance, due in large part because these age groups are typically involved in more automobile accidents.
Fact # 6: According to Sky & Telescope, astronomers estimate roughly 70 billion trillion stars are in the universe. How many can you see? In a clear, dark sky, a couple thousand stars are visible to the unaided eye.
Fact # 7: Some drivers are lucky enough never to have been or to be involved in an accident. However, if by chance you do have an accident, your risk of losing everything is great. Car insurance is the best protection you can have in the event an automobile accident occurs. It’s also a legal issue-you are required, by law, to have some basic form of auto insurance, and failing to do so carries some fairly strict punishments.
Fact# 8: Roughly 13,000 golf cart-related accidents require emergency room visits each year as reported by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Fact# 9: Many drivers believe that if they only purchase collision insurance, which covers accidents involving objects, that they will also be covered for incidents that involve vandalism, hail, animal accidents and fires. That simply is not true. You need to purchase both collision and comprehensive coverage in order to fully protect your vehicle from all of these situations.
Fact # 10: 2016 marks 25 years of reliable insurance experience for Pritchards & Associates!
We would love to hear your fun facts to share with all. If you have any questions or would like more information about the auto insurance facts, please leave your comments here or visit our website at www.pritchardsinc.com.